[OSPL-Dev] Handling Stale (Expired Deadline) Data
Alejandro Dos Reis
2012-08-30 22:04:14 UTC

I am interested in using the Deadling QOS on the Data Reader side to alert
me when a specific topic instance violates the deadline contract.??I have
been able to get a listener working with a deadline qos, and am correctly
alerted when a deadline is missed.??However, I do not know how to determine
which instance violated the contract.

Does OpenSplice have a method to do this???Or does anyone know a way around

Alternatively, is there a way to set the Data Writer to change the
InstanceStateKind from ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE to
NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS_INSTANCE_STATE when the Deadline contract is violated
(just for that specific topic instance)???I was hoping to use void
on_requested_deadline_missed(DDS::DataReader_ptr reader, const
DDS::RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus &status); in order to change the value
of that field, but am not sure how to do so if I do not receive a handle to
the specific instance.

I considered using the Lifespan QOS, but it seems as though when the
lifespan expires the instance is removed from DDS, so I am not sure how I
would be able to detect that topic instance on the Data Reader side.

Thank you very much,
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