[OSPL-Dev] Global Data Space
Rakesh pawar
2011-09-14 08:24:24 UTC

In a network, say having 5 systems interconnected through LAN, and DDS is
running on each of the systems. Now when a datawriter publishes a message,
this is published to the Global Data Space [GDS]. Similarly, different
darawriters on different systems publishing messages, these messages/data is
published on the GDS.

My questions are:

1. Where exactly is this GDS ?
2. Is it a memory storage accumulated at one point ? or is it memory of
different systems shared as a single GDS ?
3. What happens to the GDS if one system goes offline, will the GDS
shrink ?

Can somebody please explain me in detail about how this GDS is organized ?
Cheers !
Rakesh Pawar
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